Meet Christine


Coach / Reiki Master / Yoga Instructor

Christine McKibban

No matter what is going on in your life that has brought you here, I am glad you have arrived.

I like to think of myself as a forever student. I love to learn! When you are raised by two teachers it is hard not to fall in love with learning. In addition to my formal education, including my MBA from the University of Southern California, I have been blessed to spend over 25 years experiencing business firsthand in both Fortune 100 and start-up environments with a focus in sales, marketing, and strategy. It wasn’t until about 14 years into my career that I started to realize that all the drive, stress, ambition and countless night of lost sleep couldn’t bring me the satisfaction I was so desperately seeking.

In May 2011 I was sitting on a tarmac at JFK talking with a mentor of mine, who was also sitting on a tarmac somewhere, to schedule a conversation for the following day. We laughed about the unreal jet setting we each had been doing for work when he gently cautioned me that I needed to make sure I was taking care of myself or the Universe would find a way to stop me to force me to do it. The next morning, I grabbed my coffee, contemplated putting the top down on my car for my commute to LA...decided no, and put my laptop bag in my trunk and headed out on my drive. Halfway into my journey, I found myself at a full stop on the 405 thanks to traffic. Unfortunately, a guy was texting and didn't see traffic had stopped. He totaled his car and mine in a matter of seconds. The Universe went big when she decided it was time to make me stop and take care of myself. And, yes, my mentor's voice from the previous evening's conversation was echoing in my head as I came too and realize what had just happened.

At the time I was recently divorced, in my first year of my MBA program at USC, the VP of Sales for a start up in LA, and commuting over 130 miles a day. Oh yeah, and I was traveling all around the country…frequently. You would think that would have been enough of a signal to start my journey with inner-work...not quite. What can I say, I'm stubborn and driven...sound familiar?

The years following the accident were filled with immesurable stress levels. I blacked out from sheer exhaustion (living on 2 hours a night of sleep is not recommended) while out with friends one evening, had two more chest surgeries to remove over 30 masses that the doctors just could not figure out where they were originating from, went through a disc replacement surgery in my neck from the car accident, and rounded these all out with two surgeries to remove two late-stage pre-cancers in my body. Again, you would have thought I would start listening to these supposed signs or at least realize this way of living had to stop after just one of these events. Being put under is one way to force me to get some rest, right?…hindsight is 20/20. Let’s be real, these were more signs the Universe was trying to wake me up and say this way of life simply is not sustainable.

My own journey with taking inner work seriously began as I was preparing to check myself into the Mayo Clinic to figure out the masses in my chest. I found a local Reiki practitioner and started these sessions after having had a positive experience with it when I lived in San Diego. I was practicing yoga three times a week and started to see benefits from sound baths for the physical pain from the masses. I thought, maybe there is something to these alternative forms of treatment, after all, I believed stress had a lot to do with the physical ailments. What wasn’t as clear right away was the mental benefit this was having on all aspects of my life, including my professional career.

In 2014 I began my Reiki training, in 2016 my 200 hour Yoga Alliance Certified Professional Teacher Training in Hatha yoga with Embodied Yoga School followed in 2019 with my 300 hour Yoga Alliance Certified Professional Teacher Training, in 2017 - 2019 Energy Healers Training, Levels I and II, and leading me finally to completing the EmbodiedLife Coaching program in 2022. Having the love for learning that I do, I continue to take courses to support what I can bring forth in my coaching practice to support others in their own journies of bringing their authentic selves forward in both their personal and corporate lives.

Outside of work, I enjoy being a dog-mom to Tucker, my incredible flat-coated retriever, spending time with family and friends, hiking, and traveling all around the world.

I look forward to the opportunity to work together.


“Coming off a critical career decision, Christine helped me better understand the real reasons why I left my former company and why I chose the new job that I did. I am now living very happily with my decision thanks to the transformational work we did together. Christine is masterful in her approach and is a natural at this.”

— R.W., Digital Marketing Leader, ESC Client

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